9 succesful phrases to ask for cash gift for weddings | Greetings Free and Wedding Invitations
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9 succesful phrases to ask for cash gift for weddings

9 successful phrases to ask for Cash gift for weddings
Culturally wedding gifts helped the couple to equip your home with things they will need. But now times have changed and has become very common for the couple requested cash to your guests as a gift.

Many wonder how to ask guests about gifts and to use the money for their projects or buy things for your home as they want them.

Here we leave 9 phrases of success to order gift on your wedding

1. For your convenience, we have placed our gift list at the following account # 00000-00-0000.

2. Is the best gift? Our Honeymoon! Account No. 0000-00-000

3. We appreciate your cash gift Thanks!

4. As our house and have a TV, refrigerator and crockery ... Help us save for a way out.

5. If you want to get us a gift that you can make cash by placing it in the small enclosed envelope with the invitation and you can deposit in the box you'll find the entrance hall Thanks!

6. In this small envelope may wish to place the money as a wedding gift us. Thank you very much.

7. For us the most important is your presence, but if anything we want to give away, we'll know to appreciate money.

8. Your best gift: Help us buy our house all adds up!

9. We have designed the Ferrari, the mansion and the yacht ... Now all we need is the money.
Marco Cáder

Marco Cáder

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